Sunday, November 23, 2008


Crony Capitalism, Predatory Politicians, and the Detroit Three
By Newt Gingrich
There's a term that's commonly applied to the economic systems of some Asian and Latin American countries. It's "crony capitalism."Crony capitalism is when government controls significant parts of the economy. Under this kind of bureaucratic micromanagement, politicians - not the free market - call the shots. And that means that the decisions that control the economy are of necessity political decisions, not economic ones.Crony capitalism is bad for government. Economic power in the hands of politicians breeds corruption.Crony capitalism is bad for democracy. Individuals and businesses outside favored industries have an unequal voice in self-government.Crony capitalism is bad for business. Politicians wedded to the status quo stifle growth and innovation.And there's one more thing about crony capitalism: It's come to America.

OUTRAGE!! Billion-dollar drug company hides astounding discovery of a natural cancer killer.
One pharmaceutical company actually made the 'discovery of the century' - a miracle breakthrough that could save you or someone you love from the ravages of cancer. But...
They hid the secret for SEVEN FULL YEARS...with no plans to tell anyone about it ever! Why? Because the substance they found is completely natural... so they couldn't take out a patent on it. Until one brave researcher came forward to break the silence-and tell the world about this true cancer cure. Click here to read the full story
Predatory Politicians Practicing Crony Capitalism Created the Economic CrisisIt's the nature of crony capitalism to expand; for government to acquire more and more of the economy.The agents of this expansion are elected officials. Call them "predatory politicians."Crony capitalism practiced by predatory politicians is at the root of the current financial meltdown.In exchange for campaign cash and support for favored constituents, predatory politicians aided and abetted the government-backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as they created and fed the subprime mortgage market

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