Question: What is America 's first line of missile
interceptor defense that protects the entire United States ?
Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard. Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on
permanent active duty?
Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard
Question: Who is the Commander in Chief of the 49th Missile
Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard?
Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska
Question: What U.S. governor is routinely briefed on
highly classified military issues, homeland security, and
counter terrorism?
Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska
Question: What U.S. governor has a higher classified
security rating than either candidate of the Democrat Party?
Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska
According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain
in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used
to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national
security, because she already is.
Now you know too, please, pass it on!
49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska National Guard
My Kind Of Lady!!!
1 comment:
sarah palin has more experience as a mayor, then governor, then head of the national guard in alaska, has had to make on the spot decisions, not only on the above positions she has held, but as a wife, mother, who has a special needs child, and a son in the service. barack has experience running for president and running from his radical associates in illinois and though i think biden would be someone who might be fun to go to a football game with, or watch do karoke (sp?)his experience is also negligible, compared to sarahs. the dems dont like her because of all of the above, and she is very pretty, along with being very bright and articulate.
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