Thursday, March 5, 2009

Personal blog today. Sadness for a Fellow mommy friend.

I got some really crummy news today. An online friend of mine, who has been probably more than a friend than locals have been since our children were born within days of each other, got some really bad news a few days ago and just shared it. This brave woman is in her early 40s. She battled Breast cancer over a year ago. After her treatment courses, her scans were clear.
She mentioned she had a dr. appt the other day and I have to admit.. I worried .

She's been having some back problems and has been in a lot of pain. She found out why. Her new scans aren't clear. The original cancer she had spread like wild fire through her body. It's now in her liver, bones , spine etc. She is still being optimistic. So are the doctors. Her first treatments for her Breast Cancer were very aggressive and she fought so hard. I suppose if anyone can have a good outcome and really battle and beat this stuff it's her but I try to think how I would react or be in her shoes. I would probably chose quality of life over length of life. A few crummy months or maybe a year or so undergoing treatment and feeling dead with an already compromised immune system is not my idea of Quality. She, like I have a 7 year old boy. He's her only child. She has a super hubby and great support system in him but.... I personally would rather spend what time I have doing things on my "bucket list" I would travel with my family, visit extended family and say my goodbyes while I felt good. Who knows.. There are alternatives, natural ones that could actually do a better job than Barbaric surgery and chemo therapy and the burning of radiation treatments and leave you with whatever immune system you do have , some hair on your head etc. I have seen several women in recent years have a breast cancer diagnosis, opt for radical surgery and chemo/radiation therapies and then within a year or two the cancer is back and bigger than ever. Personally I think surgery spreads it. The moment that body cavity is exposed to outside air... Poof... Cancer cells rejoice and go hide elsewhere and breed and spread to other healthy non suspecting organs.

It's so sad to see a wonderful woman, wife, mom, sister have to deal with this... Especially a second time. I do not want to meet this woman at her funeral. I want to meet her in person though and soon. I love her and her family and we haven't even met in person. I grieve for her diagnosis and what she and her family are going to endure over the months and time to come. She hasn't told her little boy yet about the recurrence. That is a toughie. He took it like a trooper the first time around and was so happy when his mommy was finished with treatment and "cancer free" Now he has to face it again. He has to now grow up more than he should have to and will have to worry if Mommy will be here for him as he grows up.

I will be only thinking good thoughts and praying for this woman and friend and won't allow the bad thoughts to surface. I won't give up before she does. She's strong. She's a fighter and if anyone can fight and win this battle.. It's her. Slay that Cancer Dragon Patty. I Love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they often say that things happen for a reason..sometimes, it is difficult to know the reason, when things that are bad, happen to people that are 1975, i lost my mom to cancer (it was the third type of cancer she had had, since i was 8 years old)..she, too, was a fighter and fought right to the this day, though billions have been poured into research, there is still no cure for stomach cancer...her doctor always felt that the cure was within the human body..everything has a season and unfortunately, some seasons are shorter than wishes and hopes to your friend...