This week Walt Disney Theme park tickets went up to 79.00 plus Taxes. This doesn't include the 12.00 parking we are charged before we even enter the park. These prices are horrid at best and Americans should be boycotting and fighting them. When so many American's are out of work and losing their homes, family's being ripped apart.. They go and hike an already severely overpriced ticket by 4.00 a person. By the way.. Kids tickets, 3-9 are 68.00. Big discount there! @@ Disney used to at least run resident specials where Florida residents could get somewhat of a break in the pricing but that isn't even offered any longer. There is never any savings on a single day ticket price to one park. NEVER!
We were going to try to go to Disney this year for Rob's 8th Birthday. They are offering free admission to the birthday person, which does help some. Thing is.... So we won't have to pay 68.00... Before my husband and I even get into the gate.... We have spent 180 some dollars for the two of us to enter (the park of the Elite) for just two admissions. This pricing doesn't cover the overpriced drinks and food we must also purchase throughout the day or any souveniers we might want. It's simply to walk into the fricken park. It amazes me that so many people aren't fighting against this price gouging. Disney makes a ton of money with it's merchandising, movies and everything. They could charge 50.00, keep the price there forever and still be making a big profit. It disgusts me that people have to put out this kind of money just so their kids can "enjoy" the happiest place on Earth. Not the happiest if you ask me.... Just the Most expensive, overcrowded, hot, unhappy place on earth.
I don't think we will follow through on our plans to take Rob there for his 8th. I think we might just swing over to Tampa's Busch Gardens, where we can go the entire year for about half the price it would cost to get into one day of fun at Disney Parks. Up Yours Disney Co. Walt wouldn't be happy with you guys. He wanted his park to be accessible to everyone, not just the Elite.
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