I wanted you all to know how my grandmother Betty was when we were all young. In short, she was the BEST! She and grandpa were pretty much perfect grandparents. I was born in 1960 to Jack, her only son, and Judy. I was pretty much spoiled rotten by my grandparents as I was the first baby. I had them to myself for 5 years before my sister Heather made her debut. Then came Brother Chris, followed several years later by Sister Julie. I have only good memories of my childhood as do my siblings. It's very much because of having my grandparents in our lives and so close to us back then. I feel extremely lucky to have had them live in the next town over and get to see them so often. We saw them ALL THE TIME.
I remember going to grams office (liberty Mutual) where she would proudly show off her grandchildren to her co workers. She loved us to death and would do anything for us. I remember all the weekends and holidays we spent together and all the New Years Eves we spent together staying up late, having shirley temples and icecream and watching the ball drop at Midnight. I especially remember the Lake property and spending most of our summers there with our grandparents. They would make everything special. I remember Grandmas Grilled cheese sandwiches and the simplest things always tasted better because she made them for us. I remember my wedding day (first time around) She was standing in the bathroom door as I finished getting ready... With tears and a smile and gave me a big hug and said... You won't be Debbie Olson after today. I will always be Debbie Olson though. We smiled and cried a bit . I remember the first time she met my first born baby girl. Jennifer was 2 months old when we traveled to NY. Gram and Grandpa were visiting my parents. Gram was the first one to run out and meet us in the driveway and she took my baby girl in her arms and was totally happy.
These are the memories I will hold dear and absolutely cherish. There are so many more it would take albums and albums to hold them and tell you just what my grandparents mean to me and all of us. No one can or will ever take her place. She was one of a kind. She was Strong, Emotional, Giving, loving, Gentle yet not afraid to speak her mind for sure. She was honest and sincere and quite honestly... The best grandmother anyone could have had as a child, teen, young adult and now a middle aged lady. I miss you Gram. I always will. I love you!! Thank you for being my grandma.
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