First Of all I hear that The Factor is going off the radio air waves very soon. I think I heard that Rush Limbaugh is taking the spot. I will miss THE RADIO FACTOR because I listen to it while I am in the pick up lot at my sons school waiting for him to get out each day. Not sure why the Factor is leaving the radio but it will still be on the FNC. Anyway back to the subject at hand. I was looking through facebook this morning and could not believe all the hate sites out there aimed at Bill Oreilly. One in particular that got my attention was a group that has a music video I guess with the Title of "KILL bill Oreilly" Nice huh? This group has 72 members presently and of course the Genre is RAP CRAP and hip hop. I do not understand how these groups are allowed quite honestly because if you post an in appropriate video clip or break some music copy writing law they are all over you. Yet these hate groups are allowed to spew their trash on sites like these without warnings and continue to trash Bill Oreilly or whoever their target of choice might be. I am going to email the Factor and notify them of this group and the others but I am sure they already are aware they are out there and let them know how much they will be missed on the radio waves. I don't always agree with Bill Oreilly. He often comes off as a know it all but with his tough guy accent, comes off sounding stupid some times but I have grown to respect him and what he stands for for the most part and it's just not right for these liberal slug hate groups to be able to post garbage anywhere they like and especially have a song called "KILL bill Oreilly"
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