Obama’s Bill Hands ACORN $5.2 Billion Bailout
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:06 PMBy: David A. Patten
A rising chorus of GOP leaders are protesting that the blockbuster Democratic stimulus package would provide up to a whopping $5.2 billion for ACORN, the left-leaning nonprofit group under federal investigation for massive voter fraud.
Most of the money is secreted away under an item in the now $836 billion package titled “Neighborhood Stabilization Programs.”
Ordinarily, neighborhood stabilization funds are distributed to local governments. But revised language in the stimulus bill would make the funds available directly to non-profit entities such as ACORN, the low-income housing organization whose pro-Democrat voter-registration activities have been blasted by Republicans. ACORN is cited by some for tipping the scales in the Democrats' favor in November.
According to Fox news, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., could appear to be a “payoff” for community groups’ partisan political activities in the last election cycle.
“It is of great concern to me,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., tells Newsmax. “I think our government has stayed strong because we’ve had a two-party system, we have had robust debate, people have felt that it was one man-one vote. They are privileged and grateful that they have that ability to cast that vote. And when something is done to belittle or diminish that, it is of great concern to me.”
Regarding ACORN, Blackburn added, “Additional funds going to these organizations that have tried to skew that system, it causes me great concern and I believe that it causes many of my colleagues great concern.”
The three-term congressman stopped short of suggesting the “neighborhood stabilization” money is a power grab by Democrats seeking partisan political advantage. But radio talk giant Rush Limbaugh did not.
Limbaugh warned his listeners Tuesday: “I’ll tell you what’s going on here: We, ladies & gentlemen, we’re funding Obama and the Democrats’ army on the street. We are funding the forces of the Democrat party’s re-election.”
Blackburn echoed the concerns of Republican leaders who object that the bloated package lacks the short-term stimulus a cut in payroll or sales taxes would provide.
According to Matthew Vadum of the Capitol Research Center, the stimulus package now under consideration includes:
$1 billion stashed away in Community Development Block Grant money that ACORN often vies for successfully.
$10 million to develop or refurbish low-income housing, a specialty of ACORN’s.
$4.19 billion to stave off foreclosures via the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Vadum states the current version of the bill would allow nonprofits to compete with cities and states for $3.44 billion of the money. Some $750 million, however, would be exclusively reserved for nonprofits such as ACORN, which is actually an umbrella organization for over 100 progressive organizations.
Regarding the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, Vadum writes in American Spectator: “Although ACORN operatives usually get their hands on such funds only after they have first passed through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or state and local governments, the new spending bill largely eliminates these dawdling middle men, making it easier to get Uncle Sam's largess directly into the hands of the same people who run ACORN's various vote fraud and extortion rackets. And the legislative package provides these funds without the usual prohibition on using government money for lobbying or political activities.”
The charges of partisan political payback appear to be resonating in part due to Obama’s longstanding association with partisan get-out-the-vote operations. He was endorsed by ACORN, and during the campaign paid an ACORN affiliate $832,600 to get-out-the-vote assistance. Early in his career, he led a voter drive for an ACORN-affiliated group called Project Vote.
It’s not the first time ACORN has been entangled in a bailout controversy. In September, House Republicans objected that the original $700 billion bailout package included $100 million for ACORN – a tiny fraction of the sums for ACORN now being considered in the stimulus package.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
So many hate sites for Bill Oreilly.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sad that Pelosi's parents gave her life over Termination of the pregnancy
Pelosi: Fewer babies = stronger economy
Charlie Butts and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/27/2009 6:00:00 AM
Updated 8:45 a.m. Central
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stirred up a hornet's nest by promoting the idea of spending of millions of dollars on birth control and abortion as part of the economic stimulus package.
"Contraception," argued Pelosi, "will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Her comments came on ABC's This Week when asked by host George Stephanopoulos how expanding "family-planning services" to the tune of millions of dollars will stimulate the economy. OneNewsNow sought reaction from Susan Fani, director of communications for the Catholic League.
"It's quite shocking, actually, that the Speaker of the House -- who claims to be Catholic -- would go on national television and claim that contraception would reduce the cost to the government," exclaims Fani. "It's just beyond words, really."
Story continues below ...
What's your reaction to Pelosi's comments?
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Pelosi has five children and six grandchildren. Catholic League president Bill Donohue finds her comments revealing. "We have reached a new low when high-ranking public office holders in the federal government cast children as the enemy," he offers in a press statement. "But at least it explains their enthusiasm for abortion-on-demand."
Will the spending on "family-planning services" help dig America out of its economic doldrums?
"That's not going to help grow the economy," Fani responds. "It doesn't even make sense as a prospect for helping this country through our economic crisis. So it's wrong on so many different levels, and just shows...a very flawed thought process."
American Life League calls Pelosi's remarks "a betrayal" of her Catholic faith, and the Christian Defense Coalition says it is "unthinkable" that she would try to stimulate the economy by "seeking to reduce the number of children."
America needs to produce 2.1 children per couple to keep up with births to support the population -- and that rate is not being maintained. Economies in Europe have been especially hurt by a drop in birth rates.
Charlie Butts and Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/27/2009 6:00:00 AM
Updated 8:45 a.m. Central
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stirred up a hornet's nest by promoting the idea of spending of millions of dollars on birth control and abortion as part of the economic stimulus package.
"Contraception," argued Pelosi, "will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Her comments came on ABC's This Week when asked by host George Stephanopoulos how expanding "family-planning services" to the tune of millions of dollars will stimulate the economy. OneNewsNow sought reaction from Susan Fani, director of communications for the Catholic League.
"It's quite shocking, actually, that the Speaker of the House -- who claims to be Catholic -- would go on national television and claim that contraception would reduce the cost to the government," exclaims Fani. "It's just beyond words, really."
Story continues below ...
What's your reaction to Pelosi's comments?
Vote in our poll
Pelosi has five children and six grandchildren. Catholic League president Bill Donohue finds her comments revealing. "We have reached a new low when high-ranking public office holders in the federal government cast children as the enemy," he offers in a press statement. "But at least it explains their enthusiasm for abortion-on-demand."
Will the spending on "family-planning services" help dig America out of its economic doldrums?
"That's not going to help grow the economy," Fani responds. "It doesn't even make sense as a prospect for helping this country through our economic crisis. So it's wrong on so many different levels, and just shows...a very flawed thought process."
American Life League calls Pelosi's remarks "a betrayal" of her Catholic faith, and the Christian Defense Coalition says it is "unthinkable" that she would try to stimulate the economy by "seeking to reduce the number of children."
America needs to produce 2.1 children per couple to keep up with births to support the population -- and that rate is not being maintained. Economies in Europe have been especially hurt by a drop in birth rates.
Monday, January 26, 2009
President Obama and the Coming Stock Market Crash
How destructive to the U.S. economy would a Barack Obama presidency be?
An exclusive Newsmax analysis warns: There could be a very rough time ahead.
Beneath Obama's flowery rhetoric lies a dangerous economic plan that will wreak havoc on the American economy.
Obama plans to return to the failed policies of high taxation coupled with an expansion of government spending.
Worse, Obama says he is absolutely committed to almost doubling the capital gains rate — something he will easily accomplish with a Democrat Congress.
In the coming months — when investors realize that Obama will raise the cap gains rate — there could be a stampede of asset sales as investors rush to take their profits now to avoid Obama's doubling of the tax rates next year.
All of these issues and more are explored in Newsmax magazine's special report "Obamanomics — the Coming Tax-and-Spend Nightmare," by Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund.
This Newsmax magazine special report gives Americans the first in-depth look at the Democratic president's likely strategies — and how they will affect not just the larger economy, but your personal wealth as well.
Indeed, Obama makes no bones about his plans to go on a tax rampage. Not only would he increase the capital-gains tax rate from 15 percent to as much as 28 percent, he wants to allow the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, which effectively raises taxes on Americans by tens of billions of dollars.
He also wants to do away with the $102,000 FICA payroll tax cap, which means anyone making over $102,000 would pay an additional 7 percent in taxes on earned income.
And the loan dividend tax rate George Bush implemented? Under President Obama it will be DOA!
How destructive to the U.S. economy would a Barack Obama presidency be?
An exclusive Newsmax analysis warns: There could be a very rough time ahead.
Beneath Obama's flowery rhetoric lies a dangerous economic plan that will wreak havoc on the American economy.
Obama plans to return to the failed policies of high taxation coupled with an expansion of government spending.
Worse, Obama says he is absolutely committed to almost doubling the capital gains rate — something he will easily accomplish with a Democrat Congress.
In the coming months — when investors realize that Obama will raise the cap gains rate — there could be a stampede of asset sales as investors rush to take their profits now to avoid Obama's doubling of the tax rates next year.
All of these issues and more are explored in Newsmax magazine's special report "Obamanomics — the Coming Tax-and-Spend Nightmare," by Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund.
This Newsmax magazine special report gives Americans the first in-depth look at the Democratic president's likely strategies — and how they will affect not just the larger economy, but your personal wealth as well.
Indeed, Obama makes no bones about his plans to go on a tax rampage. Not only would he increase the capital-gains tax rate from 15 percent to as much as 28 percent, he wants to allow the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, which effectively raises taxes on Americans by tens of billions of dollars.
He also wants to do away with the $102,000 FICA payroll tax cap, which means anyone making over $102,000 would pay an additional 7 percent in taxes on earned income.
And the loan dividend tax rate George Bush implemented? Under President Obama it will be DOA!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Inauguration Coverage was WAY over the top!
How would you describe the television coverage of Barack Obama's inauguration?
An Obama love-fest, partisan - 64.94%
Too extensive - 9.38%
Similar to previous inaugurations - 3.50%
Inadequate - 0.35%
I did not watch any of the festivities on TV - 21.83%
21762 responses
How would you describe the television coverage of Barack Obama's inauguration?
An Obama love-fest, partisan - 64.94%
Too extensive - 9.38%
Similar to previous inaugurations - 3.50%
Inadequate - 0.35%
I did not watch any of the festivities on TV - 21.83%
21762 responses
Thursday, January 22, 2009
They are still messing with Sarah and her Family...
~*Debs*~ "THEY" need help.
Perhaps if the general population would demand that the MAINSTREAM Media/press be objective and unbiased in their reporting and not add their personal spin... We would maybe have a decent media to turn to. I have no respect for the mainstream media any longer, nor do I trust what they have to say to any degree as truth or even close to what the truth is for practically any story. It doesn't matter what Political story it was these past couple years... All we got was negative content, comments and criticism from the mainstream media towards whoever was the conservative or republican candidate they were talking about. Things had better change. A lot of idiots evidently believed the Sh** that these outlets reported and voted in someone that they should have been looking at a lot more closely and scrutinizing him instead. It's a shame an honorable man and his running mate from the "Wrong side" were trashed and got over 70 percent negative coverage in the mainstream media coverage while their democratic competitor got a free pass basically from any negative coverage and when it did happen to pop up.. It was quickly swept under the rug, out of view and dismissed.
Palin to Media: Leave My Kids Alone
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:47 PM
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is going on the offensive against news organizations and bloggers she says are perpetuating malicious gossip about her and her children. But political observers say the former Republican vice presidential candidate can't have it both ways: trotting out the children to showcase her family values, then trying to shield them from scrutiny.
Palin's criticism also raises questions about her motivations because she has said she is open to a presidential run in 2012.
"I think she's positioning herself. She's attacking the media as a way to generate support among a base she hopes will support her," said Leonard Steinhorn, a professor of communications at American University in Washington and an expert on the presidency.
Palin shied away from interviews during the campaign, although her children often accompanied her on her travels, including her oldest daughter, Bristol, who was pregnant at the time.
But in recent weeks, she has personally reached out to media outlets such as People magazine and The Associated Press to complain about information she claimed is wrong.
She slammed reports that 18-year-old Bristol Palin and the teen's fiance are high school dropouts. The governor insists the two are not dropouts because they enrolled in correspondence courses.
The couple last month had a son — the governor's first grandchild.
The governor said she is speaking out to set the record straight, not because of any political aspirations.
"It's all about the family," she said. "I'm wired in a way that I can take the criticism. I can take the shots. But any mother would want to protect their children from lies and scandalous reporting."
In a Jan. 5 interview with conservative filmmaker John Ziegler, Palin also questioned whether Caroline Kennedy's quest for a New York Senate seat was as heavily scrutinized as her vice presidential campaign.
When her comments were reported, she chastised journalists for taking her remarks "out of context to create adversarial situations."
Steinhorn and other experts believe the first-term governor is engaged in a campaign to keep her name in the spotlight. A newcomer to national politics when she was nominated, Palin energized the Republican base but also attracted intense criticism that she had little substance.
"I think she's exploiting and cultivating the anti-intellectual and anti-elitist side of the Republican party," Steinhorn said. "She's trying to salvage her reputation, so she attacks the messenger."
Palin's grievances include what she calls "false stories" such as a talk show host's suggestion that she helped Levi Johnston get a job in Alaska's North Slope oil fields, circumventing eligibility rules since he does not have a high school diploma.
Johnston's father, an engineer for an oil-field services company, has said his position accounted for any help Levi received in getting the apprenticeship job.
Palin also lashed out at bloggers and others perpetuating the allegation that her 9-month-old son, Trig, is actually Bristol Palin's child from a secret previous pregnancy.
Her decision to strike back at news organizations seems to contradict the governor's earlier statements on how politicians should respond to media coverage.
Months before she was named John McCain's running mate, Palin attended a leadership forum in Los Angeles and was asked her opinion on then-Sen. Hillary Clinton's allegations that she was being unfairly treated by the media during the primaries.
Palin said Clinton did herself a disservice to even mention it. The governor said it bothered her to hear Clinton "bring that attention to herself on that level."
Palin said her opinion has not changed since the March 2008 event and insisted that defending her children is her only motivation.
"I'm not whining about the treatment of the press, but I am calling reporters on the family aspect of this," she said. "I think it's unprecedented in some respects what I have seen with my children."
It's not unprecedented. The children and spouses of high-profile politicians always draw attention.
Early in President George Bush's first term, his twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara, made headlines after an embarrassing run-in with the law for underage drinking.
So did Kitty Dukakis, the wife of former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, when she was treated for alcoholism after her husband's unsuccessful presidential campaign in 1988. She later suffered a relapse and was hospitalized after drinking rubbing alcohol.
Two weeks before President Obama's inauguration, his daughters Sasha and Malia were escorted to their new schools past a line of waiting photographers.
Palin is fueling the stories she condemns by talking about them instead of ignoring them, said Janis Edwards, an associate professor of communication studies at the University of Alabama and an expert on women candidates. One of Edwards' classes monitored Palin's role in a project called "The Palin Watch."
Palin "does seem to have ambitions, and this is one way of staying in the public eye," Edwards said.
The governor's complaints about the media assure continued coverage, said Lisa Burns, associate professor of media studies at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.
"The media interest will wane. I think it already has," Burns said. "I have to wonder if this is something she's doing to keep her name out there."
Perhaps if the general population would demand that the MAINSTREAM Media/press be objective and unbiased in their reporting and not add their personal spin... We would maybe have a decent media to turn to. I have no respect for the mainstream media any longer, nor do I trust what they have to say to any degree as truth or even close to what the truth is for practically any story. It doesn't matter what Political story it was these past couple years... All we got was negative content, comments and criticism from the mainstream media towards whoever was the conservative or republican candidate they were talking about. Things had better change. A lot of idiots evidently believed the Sh** that these outlets reported and voted in someone that they should have been looking at a lot more closely and scrutinizing him instead. It's a shame an honorable man and his running mate from the "Wrong side" were trashed and got over 70 percent negative coverage in the mainstream media coverage while their democratic competitor got a free pass basically from any negative coverage and when it did happen to pop up.. It was quickly swept under the rug, out of view and dismissed.
Palin to Media: Leave My Kids Alone
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:47 PM
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is going on the offensive against news organizations and bloggers she says are perpetuating malicious gossip about her and her children. But political observers say the former Republican vice presidential candidate can't have it both ways: trotting out the children to showcase her family values, then trying to shield them from scrutiny.
Palin's criticism also raises questions about her motivations because she has said she is open to a presidential run in 2012.
"I think she's positioning herself. She's attacking the media as a way to generate support among a base she hopes will support her," said Leonard Steinhorn, a professor of communications at American University in Washington and an expert on the presidency.
Palin shied away from interviews during the campaign, although her children often accompanied her on her travels, including her oldest daughter, Bristol, who was pregnant at the time.
But in recent weeks, she has personally reached out to media outlets such as People magazine and The Associated Press to complain about information she claimed is wrong.
She slammed reports that 18-year-old Bristol Palin and the teen's fiance are high school dropouts. The governor insists the two are not dropouts because they enrolled in correspondence courses.
The couple last month had a son — the governor's first grandchild.
The governor said she is speaking out to set the record straight, not because of any political aspirations.
"It's all about the family," she said. "I'm wired in a way that I can take the criticism. I can take the shots. But any mother would want to protect their children from lies and scandalous reporting."
In a Jan. 5 interview with conservative filmmaker John Ziegler, Palin also questioned whether Caroline Kennedy's quest for a New York Senate seat was as heavily scrutinized as her vice presidential campaign.
When her comments were reported, she chastised journalists for taking her remarks "out of context to create adversarial situations."
Steinhorn and other experts believe the first-term governor is engaged in a campaign to keep her name in the spotlight. A newcomer to national politics when she was nominated, Palin energized the Republican base but also attracted intense criticism that she had little substance.
"I think she's exploiting and cultivating the anti-intellectual and anti-elitist side of the Republican party," Steinhorn said. "She's trying to salvage her reputation, so she attacks the messenger."
Palin's grievances include what she calls "false stories" such as a talk show host's suggestion that she helped Levi Johnston get a job in Alaska's North Slope oil fields, circumventing eligibility rules since he does not have a high school diploma.
Johnston's father, an engineer for an oil-field services company, has said his position accounted for any help Levi received in getting the apprenticeship job.
Palin also lashed out at bloggers and others perpetuating the allegation that her 9-month-old son, Trig, is actually Bristol Palin's child from a secret previous pregnancy.
Her decision to strike back at news organizations seems to contradict the governor's earlier statements on how politicians should respond to media coverage.
Months before she was named John McCain's running mate, Palin attended a leadership forum in Los Angeles and was asked her opinion on then-Sen. Hillary Clinton's allegations that she was being unfairly treated by the media during the primaries.
Palin said Clinton did herself a disservice to even mention it. The governor said it bothered her to hear Clinton "bring that attention to herself on that level."
Palin said her opinion has not changed since the March 2008 event and insisted that defending her children is her only motivation.
"I'm not whining about the treatment of the press, but I am calling reporters on the family aspect of this," she said. "I think it's unprecedented in some respects what I have seen with my children."
It's not unprecedented. The children and spouses of high-profile politicians always draw attention.
Early in President George Bush's first term, his twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara, made headlines after an embarrassing run-in with the law for underage drinking.
So did Kitty Dukakis, the wife of former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, when she was treated for alcoholism after her husband's unsuccessful presidential campaign in 1988. She later suffered a relapse and was hospitalized after drinking rubbing alcohol.
Two weeks before President Obama's inauguration, his daughters Sasha and Malia were escorted to their new schools past a line of waiting photographers.
Palin is fueling the stories she condemns by talking about them instead of ignoring them, said Janis Edwards, an associate professor of communication studies at the University of Alabama and an expert on women candidates. One of Edwards' classes monitored Palin's role in a project called "The Palin Watch."
Palin "does seem to have ambitions, and this is one way of staying in the public eye," Edwards said.
The governor's complaints about the media assure continued coverage, said Lisa Burns, associate professor of media studies at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.
"The media interest will wane. I think it already has," Burns said. "I have to wonder if this is something she's doing to keep her name out there."
Can't believe any of these goofballs are being confirmed

~*Debs*~"If they were republicans... there is no way they would be allowed to take the job posts they have been assigned. Putting Geithner in that position is like having Bank Robber guard the bank. Please???? @@ "
January 21, 2009
If You Were A Senator...
Tim Geithner, the nominee for Treasury Secretary, is getting questioned on Capitol Hill today by the Senate Finance Committee. Check out the New York Times live blog of the hearing here.This pick is important because, if confirmed, Geithner will be in charge of leading President Obama's economic plan and restoring the American people's faith in our economy.The main objection to his nomination is his failure to pay $34,023 in taxes from 2001 to 2004.Geithner apologized for his mistakes, calling them "careless" but "unintentional."We want to know what you think about this. If you were a Senator, would you vote to confirm or deny Geithner's nomination?
Thank you for voting!
Yes 3% (1022 votes)
No 97% (33531 votes)
Total Votes: 34553
Return To
If You Were A Senator...
Tim Geithner, the nominee for Treasury Secretary, is getting questioned on Capitol Hill today by the Senate Finance Committee. Check out the New York Times live blog of the hearing here.This pick is important because, if confirmed, Geithner will be in charge of leading President Obama's economic plan and restoring the American people's faith in our economy.The main objection to his nomination is his failure to pay $34,023 in taxes from 2001 to 2004.Geithner apologized for his mistakes, calling them "careless" but "unintentional."We want to know what you think about this. If you were a Senator, would you vote to confirm or deny Geithner's nomination?
Thank you for voting!
Yes 3% (1022 votes)
No 97% (33531 votes)
Total Votes: 34553
Return To
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Former PRESIDENT Welcomed home in TEXAS!
Bushes Leave Washington, Return to Texas
Former President George W. Bush and wife Laura left the nation's capital Tuesday for a "welcome home" ceremony in Texas.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jan. 20, 2009: Former President Bush leaves by helicopter, looking out the window at the Capitol. (White House)
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Obama, Chief Justice Roberts Stumble in Recitation of Presidential Oath
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Sen. Kennedy OK After Suffering Seizure at Inaugural Lunch
kennedy suffers seizure at inaugural lunch, kennedy, seizure, inaugural, ted kennedy
5030 visitors also liked this.
Obama to Tackle Security Challenges, Cabinet Confirmations on First Full Day
obama's first day of work
27 visitors also liked this.
Obama Administration Off to Chilly Start
obama administration off to chilly start, obama, expresident bush family fly to texas, texas, bush
56 visitors also liked this.
powered by Baynote
MIDLAND, Texas -- Waving cardboard red, white and blue "W"s, thousands welcomed President George W. Bush and his wife on Tuesday to their post-presidential home in Texas.
"The presidency was a joyous experience but as great as it was nothing compares with Texas at sunset," Bush said to cheers from the crowd of nearly 20,000 as former first lady Laura Bush stood at his side. "Tonight I have the privilege of saying six words that I have been waiting to say for a while -- it is good to be home."
In the hours leading up to his return, excerpts of some of Bush's speeches played on a large TV screen, including remarks he made to Congress shortly after the terrorist attacks in 2001.
One little boy waved a sign that read, "President Bush, thank you for keeping me safe" in multicolored lettering.
"It's a special day, but it's a sad day," said Dudley Winn, a cotton farmer who drove two hours from Lubbock to greet Bush on his first stop after leaving office. "He did the job we asked him to do. He kept our values safe."
As the crowd looked on, the jet carrying the Bushes flew over downtown, then landed at the airport in Midland shortly before 5 p.m.
Jan Rhodes, a school teacher in Midland, was on hand when Bush left Midland eight years ago for his inauguration as president. She was back Tuesday.
"We watched for eight years and we're proud of how he served us and how he represented Midland," she said.
While Bush was born in New Haven, Conn., he spent his childhood in Midland. He returned there as an adult in the 1970s and met the future first lady, who grew up there.
Leaving the White House for the last time on Tuesday, Bush blew a kiss out the window of his presidential limousine, a gesture that capped an eight-year administration marked by two wars, recession and the biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Bush's exit was bittersweet. He left office with low approval ratings, but he remained upbeat, smiling and joining in the celebration of President Barack Obama's ascent to rock-star status, even as he faces daunting challenges, especially a depressed economy.
This Inauguration Day was about more than the traditional transfer of presidential power. When Bush clasped Obama's hand before beginning his journey home to Texas, their handshake marked the first time that the executive branch of government has been handed off to a black president.
If there were any hard feelings between the incoming 47-year-old Democrat and the outgoing 62-year-old Republican, they weren't apparent in the Bush send-off at the steps of a helicopter on the Capitol grounds where the two men parted ways.
After the inauguration ceremony, many in the crowd at the Capitol cheered loudly and waved goodbye at Bush's helicopter as it flew over throngs of people gathered on the Mall to witness history.
But not everyone was respectful. Weary of Bush, some people in the crowd chanted "Na-na-na-nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye" when they heard a television broadcaster announce, "George Bush is no longer president of the United States."
Bush actually began the first few minutes as an ex-president listening to a musical prelude at the swearing-in ceremony. Obama had not yet taken the oath of office, but while the musicians played, he became president at noon EST, according to the Constitution.
Keeping with a White House ritual, Bush left a note for Obama in his desk in the Oval Office, wishing him well.
"I won't provide any details, but the theme is similar to what he's said since election night about the fabulous new chapter President-elect Obama is about to start, and that he wishes him the very best," outgoing White House press secretary Dana Perino said about the note.
She said the two-term Republican incumbent wrote the message to his Democratic successor on Monday and left it in the top drawer of his desk, which was crafted from timbers from the H.M.S. Resolute and given to the U.S. by Great Britain in 1879.
In the morning, before having coffee at the White House, soon-to-be first lady Michelle Obama handed Laura Bush a present. Inside, was a leather-bound journal inscribed with a quote from western fiction writer Louis L'Amour: "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning." Also in the gift box was a pen engraved with Tuesday's date, for Mrs. Bush to begin her memoirs, according to Mrs. Obama's spokeswoman Katie McCormick Lelyveld.
Bush began his last day in the Oval Office before 7 a.m. EST. He spoke on the phone with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, former White House chief of staff Andy Card and T.D. Jakes, the pastor of a megachurch in Dallas who preached at a private church service that Obama attended before the inauguration. Bush took one last stroll around the south grounds of the White House.
The changing of the guard was evident. In the morning, Perino passed out boxes of Bush M&Ms in the West Wing. In the afternoon, members of Obama's team were familiarizing themselves with their new quarters. "Now we just have to figure out how to log onto our computers," incoming White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters.
Former President George W. Bush and wife Laura left the nation's capital Tuesday for a "welcome home" ceremony in Texas.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jan. 20, 2009: Former President Bush leaves by helicopter, looking out the window at the Capitol. (White House)
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Bush Family to Leave Many Treasured Items Inside White House
schedule, expresident bush family fly off to texas, politics, expresident bush family fly to texas, bush
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Obama, Chief Justice Roberts Stumble in Recitation of Presidential Oath
obama roberts stumble over oath, obama, roberts obama stumble over oath, expresident bush family fly off to texas,
5523 visitors also liked this.
Sen. Kennedy OK After Suffering Seizure at Inaugural Lunch
kennedy suffers seizure at inaugural lunch, kennedy, seizure, inaugural, ted kennedy
5030 visitors also liked this.
Obama to Tackle Security Challenges, Cabinet Confirmations on First Full Day
obama's first day of work
27 visitors also liked this.
Obama Administration Off to Chilly Start
obama administration off to chilly start, obama, expresident bush family fly to texas, texas, bush
56 visitors also liked this.
powered by Baynote
MIDLAND, Texas -- Waving cardboard red, white and blue "W"s, thousands welcomed President George W. Bush and his wife on Tuesday to their post-presidential home in Texas.
"The presidency was a joyous experience but as great as it was nothing compares with Texas at sunset," Bush said to cheers from the crowd of nearly 20,000 as former first lady Laura Bush stood at his side. "Tonight I have the privilege of saying six words that I have been waiting to say for a while -- it is good to be home."
In the hours leading up to his return, excerpts of some of Bush's speeches played on a large TV screen, including remarks he made to Congress shortly after the terrorist attacks in 2001.
One little boy waved a sign that read, "President Bush, thank you for keeping me safe" in multicolored lettering.
"It's a special day, but it's a sad day," said Dudley Winn, a cotton farmer who drove two hours from Lubbock to greet Bush on his first stop after leaving office. "He did the job we asked him to do. He kept our values safe."
As the crowd looked on, the jet carrying the Bushes flew over downtown, then landed at the airport in Midland shortly before 5 p.m.
Jan Rhodes, a school teacher in Midland, was on hand when Bush left Midland eight years ago for his inauguration as president. She was back Tuesday.
"We watched for eight years and we're proud of how he served us and how he represented Midland," she said.
While Bush was born in New Haven, Conn., he spent his childhood in Midland. He returned there as an adult in the 1970s and met the future first lady, who grew up there.
Leaving the White House for the last time on Tuesday, Bush blew a kiss out the window of his presidential limousine, a gesture that capped an eight-year administration marked by two wars, recession and the biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Bush's exit was bittersweet. He left office with low approval ratings, but he remained upbeat, smiling and joining in the celebration of President Barack Obama's ascent to rock-star status, even as he faces daunting challenges, especially a depressed economy.
This Inauguration Day was about more than the traditional transfer of presidential power. When Bush clasped Obama's hand before beginning his journey home to Texas, their handshake marked the first time that the executive branch of government has been handed off to a black president.
If there were any hard feelings between the incoming 47-year-old Democrat and the outgoing 62-year-old Republican, they weren't apparent in the Bush send-off at the steps of a helicopter on the Capitol grounds where the two men parted ways.
After the inauguration ceremony, many in the crowd at the Capitol cheered loudly and waved goodbye at Bush's helicopter as it flew over throngs of people gathered on the Mall to witness history.
But not everyone was respectful. Weary of Bush, some people in the crowd chanted "Na-na-na-nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye" when they heard a television broadcaster announce, "George Bush is no longer president of the United States."
Bush actually began the first few minutes as an ex-president listening to a musical prelude at the swearing-in ceremony. Obama had not yet taken the oath of office, but while the musicians played, he became president at noon EST, according to the Constitution.
Keeping with a White House ritual, Bush left a note for Obama in his desk in the Oval Office, wishing him well.
"I won't provide any details, but the theme is similar to what he's said since election night about the fabulous new chapter President-elect Obama is about to start, and that he wishes him the very best," outgoing White House press secretary Dana Perino said about the note.
She said the two-term Republican incumbent wrote the message to his Democratic successor on Monday and left it in the top drawer of his desk, which was crafted from timbers from the H.M.S. Resolute and given to the U.S. by Great Britain in 1879.
In the morning, before having coffee at the White House, soon-to-be first lady Michelle Obama handed Laura Bush a present. Inside, was a leather-bound journal inscribed with a quote from western fiction writer Louis L'Amour: "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning." Also in the gift box was a pen engraved with Tuesday's date, for Mrs. Bush to begin her memoirs, according to Mrs. Obama's spokeswoman Katie McCormick Lelyveld.
Bush began his last day in the Oval Office before 7 a.m. EST. He spoke on the phone with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, former White House chief of staff Andy Card and T.D. Jakes, the pastor of a megachurch in Dallas who preached at a private church service that Obama attended before the inauguration. Bush took one last stroll around the south grounds of the White House.
The changing of the guard was evident. In the morning, Perino passed out boxes of Bush M&Ms in the West Wing. In the afternoon, members of Obama's team were familiarizing themselves with their new quarters. "Now we just have to figure out how to log onto our computers," incoming White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Here it's not All OBAMA all the time!

Believe it or not.. Not every one is loving this Obama out of control spending that is going on while so many people are losing their homes and jobs. Spending 150,000.000 on an Inauguration just seems pretty stupid to me. This guy and the democrats are already spending away our grandchildren's future and the only jobs that will be created are govt. jobs where we are paying the salaries or fast food cashier jobs. No one else can afford to hire if they are still in business. I am sick of seeing this conceited President elect , his ugly wife and all his Hollywood friends already, and his Presidency hasn't even started yet. I am wondering if the mainstream media will continue to give this man a free pass instead of doing their jobs. I see CNN is finally picking up on some of the issues at hand like his out of control spending.
I am happy for the Elderly Blacks that had to fight so hard for their civil rights to be able to see a Black President elected in this country. Those folks paid their dues. I don't believe THIS BLACK man deserves the Presidency or the praise he's been getting however and I think in short time his lack of experience and lack of good character will be evident. I, like my mother will be trying to avoid some of this overboard coverage of the Inaugural today. Won't be easy but there are plenty of things to do to stay away from a TV set or even the internet's constant plastering of their pictures and video.
We are saying good bye to a President and first lady and family who did have class and morals and really did care about this country and love it. I hope people will change their view of the Bush's. They are good people and President Bush wasn't worried about being popular . He did what he felt he needed to to keep this country safer after the 9 -11 tragedy. You will be missed President and Mrs Bush very much by this blogger. Be safe and enjoy the rest of your days as a former President. Let's hope that the history books won't be as horrible to you as the Left wing media has been all these years.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Obama's Plans will make Govt. Bigger and hurt an already ailing Economy
~*Debs2005*~ "No kidding... Duh"
Obama's economic plan boosts gov't, slows economy
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/15/2009 7:00:00 AM
A top expert on tax reform is decrying the massive redistribution of national income entailed in Barack Obama's economic recovery plan.
The seven-million-plus poor Americans who are elderly, blind, or disabled and receive monthly welfare checks could reportedly get an extra Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment as part of the president-elect's $800-billion economic stimulus plan. The one-time additional SSI payment would cost an estimated $4 billion. Dan Mitchell, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, says having the government borrow money and then redistribute it does not help our economy grow faster, but instead simply makes government bigger. "If we look at high-tax welfare states like France and Germany, where living standards are much lower than they are in America, unemployment is much higher, [and] the economies are much less dynamic, I'm actually concerned that this so-called 'stimulus' that the politicians are hatching in Washington is going to make our economy weaker in the long-run and perhaps even in the short-run," he admits. In addition, Mitchell is troubled that the Obama stimulus also will likely provide at least $70 billion over the next two years to help states meet the demand for Medicaid. He says if there was one group in the country that does not deserve any handouts, it would be state and local politicians who are profligate spenders. "Certainly in recent years -- whether they be Republicans like Schwarzenegger in California or Democrats like [John] Corzine in New Jersey -- they've been increasing state spending at two, three, sometimes four times the rate of inflation," he concludes. "And now that they've spent themselves into a fiscal hole, they're saying, 'Oh, we want Uncle Sam to bail us out' -- which means, of course, taxpayers like you and me [and everyone else]."
Obama's economic plan boosts gov't, slows economy
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/15/2009 7:00:00 AM
A top expert on tax reform is decrying the massive redistribution of national income entailed in Barack Obama's economic recovery plan.
The seven-million-plus poor Americans who are elderly, blind, or disabled and receive monthly welfare checks could reportedly get an extra Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment as part of the president-elect's $800-billion economic stimulus plan. The one-time additional SSI payment would cost an estimated $4 billion. Dan Mitchell, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, says having the government borrow money and then redistribute it does not help our economy grow faster, but instead simply makes government bigger. "If we look at high-tax welfare states like France and Germany, where living standards are much lower than they are in America, unemployment is much higher, [and] the economies are much less dynamic, I'm actually concerned that this so-called 'stimulus' that the politicians are hatching in Washington is going to make our economy weaker in the long-run and perhaps even in the short-run," he admits. In addition, Mitchell is troubled that the Obama stimulus also will likely provide at least $70 billion over the next two years to help states meet the demand for Medicaid. He says if there was one group in the country that does not deserve any handouts, it would be state and local politicians who are profligate spenders. "Certainly in recent years -- whether they be Republicans like Schwarzenegger in California or Democrats like [John] Corzine in New Jersey -- they've been increasing state spending at two, three, sometimes four times the rate of inflation," he concludes. "And now that they've spent themselves into a fiscal hole, they're saying, 'Oh, we want Uncle Sam to bail us out' -- which means, of course, taxpayers like you and me [and everyone else]."
PELOSI Still a screw up.

NANCY PELOSI has serious issues!
Republicans Blast Pelosi for Politicizing Intelligence
Jan 14, 2009
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision this week to pack the House intelligence committee with Democrats — despite a clear recommendation from the 9/11 commission to keep politics out of intelligence matters — has roiled Republicans.
Concerned by reports of the “politicization” of intelligence, the 9/11 commission recommended in July 2004 that the House and Senate intelligence committees be almost evenly balanced, regardless of the number of Republicans and Democrats in Congress.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hope the Dems Reap what they have Sown... Ex... Al Franken Senator ??? Insane

Senate not looking forward to 'loose cannon' Franken
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 1/13/2009 6:40:00 AM
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 1/13/2009 6:40:00 AM
~*DEB*~ "I can't believe first of all that this guy is being allowed to take this seat. We know that there is something foul that happened that gave him a lead he didn't have after the Election."
Read on:
A Mississippi senator who won a tough special election campaign himself says his Minnesota colleague Norm Coleman is the legitimate winner of the contested race in that state, which his Democratic opponent is attempting to "steal."
Roger Wicker's victory on November 4 was one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dismal election night for the GOP. After a tough fight of his own, Wicker is going on the record in support of fellow Republican Norm Coleman, who was a clear winner on Election Night but who saw his lead disappear after the Democrats were able to "find" enough votes for Al Franken to pass him in the recount. It is a clear case of voter fraud, according to Wicker. "The only way that Franken has this 220-vote lead or so is double-counting of votes, not counting some others, counting absentee ballots under one standard in heavily Democratic areas, and not counting them under another standard in heavily Republican areas," he contends. Wicker believes it will be up to Minnesota's high court to do the right thing. "The Supreme Court of Minnesota, apparently, is the only forum that can decide these issues," he points out. "And if they call it straight and fair with standard criteria across the board, Coleman will win. Now whether that will happen in a liberal state like Minnesota, I don't know." The Mississippi Republican admits he is not thrilled about the prospect of having someone like Franken in the Senate. "Nobody's [very excited] to have a loose cannon like Al Franken in the U.S. Senate," he concludes.
A Mississippi senator who won a tough special election campaign himself says his Minnesota colleague Norm Coleman is the legitimate winner of the contested race in that state, which his Democratic opponent is attempting to "steal."
Roger Wicker's victory on November 4 was one of the few bright spots in an otherwise dismal election night for the GOP. After a tough fight of his own, Wicker is going on the record in support of fellow Republican Norm Coleman, who was a clear winner on Election Night but who saw his lead disappear after the Democrats were able to "find" enough votes for Al Franken to pass him in the recount. It is a clear case of voter fraud, according to Wicker. "The only way that Franken has this 220-vote lead or so is double-counting of votes, not counting some others, counting absentee ballots under one standard in heavily Democratic areas, and not counting them under another standard in heavily Republican areas," he contends. Wicker believes it will be up to Minnesota's high court to do the right thing. "The Supreme Court of Minnesota, apparently, is the only forum that can decide these issues," he points out. "And if they call it straight and fair with standard criteria across the board, Coleman will win. Now whether that will happen in a liberal state like Minnesota, I don't know." The Mississippi Republican admits he is not thrilled about the prospect of having someone like Franken in the Senate. "Nobody's [very excited] to have a loose cannon like Al Franken in the U.S. Senate," he concludes.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Clinton will deal with Iran and middle East Problems... YEAH HOW?

Clinton Vows to Plunge Into Middle East, Stop Nuclear Iran
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 12:28 PM
WASHINGTON – Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton called Tuesday for a "smart power" strategy in the Middle East that goes beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to address other pressing issues like Iran's nuclear program.
While offering no specific new peace proposal, Clinton spoke confidently of President-elect Barack Obama's intentions to renew American leadership in the world and to strengthen U.S. diplomacy.
"As intractable as the Middle East's problems may seem and many presidents, including my husband, have spent years trying to help work out a resolution, we cannot give up on peace," she told her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. She said that she and Obama are "deeply sympathetic to Israel's desire to defend itself" but also worried about the humanitarian situation.
Clinton fielded an array of non-contentious, often friendly, questions from Democrats as well as Republicans, signaling the likelihood that she will be confirmed swiftly.
The panel's ranking Republican, Sen. Richard Lugar, praised Clinton, calling her "the epitome of a big leaguer" whose presence could open new opportunities for American diplomacy.
But Lugar also raised questions about the issue of former President Bill Clinton's fundraising work and its relation to her wife's new post. Lugar said that the only way for Clinton to avoid a potential conflict of interest due to her husband's charity is to forswear any new foreign contributions. The Indiana senator said the situation poses a "unique complication" that requires "great care and transparency."
Clinton spoke in a clear, unhurried voice and looked at ease as she read a long introductory statement. She sat alone at a small, black-draped desk, with daughter Chelsea and a retinue of advisers behind her. Her husband was not present. Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said the former president was watching the hearing elsewhere with his wife's mother.
"President Clinton wanted to make sure the attention was focused on Sen. Clinton," Vietor said.
The Senate hearing room was packed with ambassadors, current and former diplomats, supporters and aides sitting cheek by jowl. Dozens of photographers ringed Clinton as she spoke.
The Senate also was holding confirmation hearings for four other Obama choices for Cabinet and top White House positions. Appearing were Peter Orszag, to head the Office of Management and Budget, and Robert Nabors II, for deputy director of OMB; New York housing official Shaun Donovan, to be secretary of housing and urban development; Steven Chu, to head the Energy Department; and Arne Duncan, as education secretary.
Chu promised that if confirmed as energy secretary he will aggressively pursue policies aimed at addressing climate change and achieving greater energy independence by developing clean energy sources.
At the outset of Clinton's hearing, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., the new chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, pressed her on whether Obama sees a nuclear-armed Iran as unacceptable at any cost, or merely undesirable.
Clinton responded: "The president-elect has said repeatedly it is unacceptable. It is going to be United States policy to pursue diplomacy — with all of its (tools) — to do everything we can to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapon state. As I also said, no option is off the table."
She said the new administration would pursue a broader approach to the problem of Islamic extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
On Iraq, Clinton said ending the war is a priority. The first step will be moving troops out of cities by June, in line with an agreement already established between the Bush administration and the Iraqi government. The agreement calls for all U.S. troops to be gone by the end of 2011. Obama has said he believes the withdrawal can be accomplished more quickly.
"It is being done within the context of the status of forces agreement, which (has) now clearly set forth the path that both the Iraqi government and the United States government intend to follow," Clinton said. "There is some differences in timing but the important aspect of the so-called SOFA is that the United States government and President Obama will be withdrawing troops and the Iraqi government not only accepts that but wishes to facilitate that."
Clinton also promised to push for stronger U.S. alliances around the globe.
"America cannot solve the most pressing problems on our own," Clinton said, "and the world cannot solve them without America."
She assured the committee that if confirmed, the State Department "will be firing on all cylinders" — applying pressure when needed and looking for opportunities to advancing U.S. interests.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thank you President Bush
Tribute To American Soldiers
Date: Jan 11, 2009 5:08 PM

Date: Jan 11, 2009 5:08 PM
I heard about this this morning. The National Safety Council pushing for this ban of not only reg. Cell phones but all Cell phone use... I feel it goes too far. What next... ??? We can't talk to the passengers in our cars or listen to the radio because it would take our attention off the road... Nonsense. Our rights are gradually all being taken away. PEople who crash while on cell phones would have crashed anyway doing some other thing in the car like adjusting their radio station, adjusting their mirrors, Eating, putting on their lip stick.... Banning a cellphone that is already adapted with bluetooth/speakerphone is just going too far in my opinion!
Ban Cell Phones While Driving, Safety Council Says
Sunday, January 11, 2009
WASHINGTON — A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cell phone use while driving, saying the practice is clearly dangerous and leads to fatalities.
States should ban drivers from using hand-held and hands-free cell phones, and businesses should prohibit employees from using cell phones while driving on the job, the congressionally chartered National Safety Council says, taking those positions for the first time.
The group's president and chief executive, Janet Froetscher, likened talking on cell phones to drunken driving, saying cell phone use increases the risk of a crash fourfold.
"When our friends have been drinking, we take the car keys away. It's time to take the cell phone away," Froetscher said in interview.
No state currently bans all cell phone use while driving. Six states — California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Utah and Washington — and the District of Columbia ban the use of hand-held cell phones behind the wheel, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Also, 17 states and the district restrict or ban cell phone use by novice drivers.
Council officials acknowledged a total ban could take years.
"Public awareness and the laws haven't caught up with what the scientists are telling us," Froetscher said. "There is no dispute that driving while talking on your cell phone, or texting while driving, is dangerous."
Froetscher said the council examined more than 50 scientific studies before reaching its decision. One was a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that estimates 6 percent of vehicle crashes, causing about 2,600 deaths and 12,000 serious injuries a year, are attributable to cell phone use. Hands-free cell phones are just as risky as hand held phones, she added.
"It's not just what you're doing with your hands — it's that your head is in the conversation and so your eyes are not on the road," Froetscher said.
John Walls, vice president of CTIA-The Wireless Association, a cell phone trade group, objected to a complete ban. He said there are many instances where the ability to make a phone call while driving helps protect safety.
"We think that you can sensibly and safely use a cell phone to make a brief call," Walls said.
What makes cell phone use distinct from other risky driving behaviors, Froetscher said, is the magnitude — there are 270 million cell phone users in the U.S. and 80 percent of them talk on the phone while driving.
Froetscher said the council is the first major national safety group to call for a total cell phone ban for drivers. The National Transportation Safety Board has been urging states since 2003 to ban the use of cell phones or any wireless device by inexperienced drivers who have learner's permits or intermediate licenses. Last year, at least 23 states considered some form of legislation to restrict the use of cell phones or wireless devices, according to the board.
Council officials said they will press Congress to address the issue when it takes up a highway construction bill this year, possibly by offering incentives to states that enact cell phone laws.
The Governors Highway Safety Association agreed that cell phone use while driving is dangerous, but said it would be difficult to enforce a ban. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which is funded by auto insurers, said banning all cell phone use "makes sense based on the research," but agreed that enforcement will be difficult.
Ban Cell Phones While Driving, Safety Council Says
Sunday, January 11, 2009
WASHINGTON — A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cell phone use while driving, saying the practice is clearly dangerous and leads to fatalities.
States should ban drivers from using hand-held and hands-free cell phones, and businesses should prohibit employees from using cell phones while driving on the job, the congressionally chartered National Safety Council says, taking those positions for the first time.
The group's president and chief executive, Janet Froetscher, likened talking on cell phones to drunken driving, saying cell phone use increases the risk of a crash fourfold.
"When our friends have been drinking, we take the car keys away. It's time to take the cell phone away," Froetscher said in interview.
No state currently bans all cell phone use while driving. Six states — California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Utah and Washington — and the District of Columbia ban the use of hand-held cell phones behind the wheel, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Also, 17 states and the district restrict or ban cell phone use by novice drivers.
Council officials acknowledged a total ban could take years.
"Public awareness and the laws haven't caught up with what the scientists are telling us," Froetscher said. "There is no dispute that driving while talking on your cell phone, or texting while driving, is dangerous."
Froetscher said the council examined more than 50 scientific studies before reaching its decision. One was a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis that estimates 6 percent of vehicle crashes, causing about 2,600 deaths and 12,000 serious injuries a year, are attributable to cell phone use. Hands-free cell phones are just as risky as hand held phones, she added.
"It's not just what you're doing with your hands — it's that your head is in the conversation and so your eyes are not on the road," Froetscher said.
John Walls, vice president of CTIA-The Wireless Association, a cell phone trade group, objected to a complete ban. He said there are many instances where the ability to make a phone call while driving helps protect safety.
"We think that you can sensibly and safely use a cell phone to make a brief call," Walls said.
What makes cell phone use distinct from other risky driving behaviors, Froetscher said, is the magnitude — there are 270 million cell phone users in the U.S. and 80 percent of them talk on the phone while driving.
Froetscher said the council is the first major national safety group to call for a total cell phone ban for drivers. The National Transportation Safety Board has been urging states since 2003 to ban the use of cell phones or any wireless device by inexperienced drivers who have learner's permits or intermediate licenses. Last year, at least 23 states considered some form of legislation to restrict the use of cell phones or wireless devices, according to the board.
Council officials said they will press Congress to address the issue when it takes up a highway construction bill this year, possibly by offering incentives to states that enact cell phone laws.
The Governors Highway Safety Association agreed that cell phone use while driving is dangerous, but said it would be difficult to enforce a ban. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which is funded by auto insurers, said banning all cell phone use "makes sense based on the research," but agreed that enforcement will be difficult.
America Wake up!
Hate crimes bill - a threat to Biblical teaching
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/12/2009 6:20:00 AM
A Christian pastor and political activist warns that unless enough Americans "stir up a major stink" about the newly introduced federal hate crimes legislation, the measure is likely to pass in the first 100 days of the 111th Congress.
Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., of the High Impact Leadership Coalition was among a group of black pastors who, two years ago, took out a full-page ad in USA Today titled "Don't Muzzle Our Pulpits." The ad, which was widely received, argued that the hate crimes bill before Congress threatened the free-speech rights of pastors. Jackson believes such legislation elevates the homosexual community to a protected class. "It puts their claim that they're discriminated against into a real civil rights argument," Jackson contends. "And ultimately in every place around the world where this kind of legislation has been passed, we find that people have taken out lawsuits against preachers for preaching what the Bible says about sexuality and morality. And it is grounds for a kind of harassment that, I believe, will bring a cooling of our biblically-based messages." Jackson says under an Obama administration there is a danger the legislation will pass and stick, so he's issued a challenge to Christians. "Now is not the time to be silent," he says. "Now is the time to lift our voice."
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 1/12/2009 6:20:00 AM
A Christian pastor and political activist warns that unless enough Americans "stir up a major stink" about the newly introduced federal hate crimes legislation, the measure is likely to pass in the first 100 days of the 111th Congress.
Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., of the High Impact Leadership Coalition was among a group of black pastors who, two years ago, took out a full-page ad in USA Today titled "Don't Muzzle Our Pulpits." The ad, which was widely received, argued that the hate crimes bill before Congress threatened the free-speech rights of pastors. Jackson believes such legislation elevates the homosexual community to a protected class. "It puts their claim that they're discriminated against into a real civil rights argument," Jackson contends. "And ultimately in every place around the world where this kind of legislation has been passed, we find that people have taken out lawsuits against preachers for preaching what the Bible says about sexuality and morality. And it is grounds for a kind of harassment that, I believe, will bring a cooling of our biblically-based messages." Jackson says under an Obama administration there is a danger the legislation will pass and stick, so he's issued a challenge to Christians. "Now is not the time to be silent," he says. "Now is the time to lift our voice."
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Dems wake up... Doesn't this bother you, Your President Elect goes back on EVERYTHING he has said?
Obama Breaks Pledge on Inauguration Donations
Friday, January 9, 2009 12:14 PMBy: Jim Meyers
A full 90 percent of donations to fund Barack Obama’s Jan. 20 inauguration have come from well-heeled fundraisers — including Wall Street executives whose companies have received federal bailout money.
A total of 207 fundraisers have collected $24.8 million of the $27.3 million in donations disclosed by Obama through Thursday, according to an analysis by Public Citizen commissioned by The Wall Street Journal.
Slightly more than 2,000 donors accounted for the $27.3 million raised, but 378 of those people each contributed the maximum $50,000 allowed by Obama, raising almost 70 percent of the total, or $18.9 million, the analysis found.
Wall Street employees have been the largest single source of private donations, and many of the contributions have been channeled through financial-services executives who have put together bundles of donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“The preponderance of large donors and the fact that so many come from an industry receiving government handouts comes as the president-elect has sought to keep his inauguration free of special interests,” The Journal observed.
Bundlers from the financial sector include executives from Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., two firms that have accepted billions of dollars each in bailout money from the federal government.
Obama’s presidential campaign smashed all previous fundraising records, raking in more than an astounding $650 million from some 3 million donors.
Obama Breaks Pledge on Inauguration Donations
Friday, January 9, 2009 12:14 PMBy: Jim Meyers
A full 90 percent of donations to fund Barack Obama’s Jan. 20 inauguration have come from well-heeled fundraisers — including Wall Street executives whose companies have received federal bailout money.
A total of 207 fundraisers have collected $24.8 million of the $27.3 million in donations disclosed by Obama through Thursday, according to an analysis by Public Citizen commissioned by The Wall Street Journal.
Slightly more than 2,000 donors accounted for the $27.3 million raised, but 378 of those people each contributed the maximum $50,000 allowed by Obama, raising almost 70 percent of the total, or $18.9 million, the analysis found.
Wall Street employees have been the largest single source of private donations, and many of the contributions have been channeled through financial-services executives who have put together bundles of donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“The preponderance of large donors and the fact that so many come from an industry receiving government handouts comes as the president-elect has sought to keep his inauguration free of special interests,” The Journal observed.
Bundlers from the financial sector include executives from Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., two firms that have accepted billions of dollars each in bailout money from the federal government.
Obama’s presidential campaign smashed all previous fundraising records, raking in more than an astounding $650 million from some 3 million donors.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
THREATS are high surrounding Obama's Swearing in.
FBI Warns of Inauguration Terror Threat
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 9:33 PM
WASHINGTON – The upcoming inauguration of Barack Obama is an attractive target for international and domestic terrorists, but U.S. intelligence officials have no information about specific threats to the Jan. 20 event.
An internal intelligence assessment, obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, says the high visibility of the event, the presence of dignitaries and the significance of swearing in the country's first black president make the inauguration vulnerable to attacks.
What concerns analysts most, the report says, is the potential use of improvised explosive devices, a hostage situation or suicide bombers.
While security will be tight around the U.S. Capitol, the joint FBI and Homeland Security assessment says nearby hotels, public gatherings, restaurants and roads could be vulnerable to some kind of attack.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said security concerns during inaugurations have been elevated since the 2001 terror attacks. "I think it will be the most security, as far as I'm aware, that any inauguration has had," Chertoff said in an interview with the AP.
Chertoff also said there is no specific intelligence pointing to terrorist plots during the event.
"We have scrubbed very hard to look at anything that would suggest a credible, imminent threat or one that was specifically focused on the inauguration," Chertoff said, though not referring to the intelligence assessment. "We're not, at this point, aware of a credible, specific, imminent threat that would affect the inauguration."
The Secret Service, which is in charge of the overall security for the event, announced Wednesday that bridges into Washington and about 3.5 square miles of the downtown will be closed on Jan. 20. The security perimeter covers more of the city than previous inaugurations.
The analysis says that threats against Obama have increased since he was elected, which also poses concern for the inauguration.
According to the intelligence assessment, a so-called lone wolf poses the greatest threat during the inauguration because such criminals are generally not affiliated with any specific group or act without the direction of a group. There have been some lone wolf threats reported, but nothing points to a well-planned plot, the assessment said.
Officials are concerned about explosives placed in crowded areas and people impersonating emergency and law enforcement officials, but they have no specific information that indicates terrorists are planning to do this, the assessment said.
While intelligence officials have seen no credible threats to the event from international terrorists or domestic terrorists, al-Qaida and its affiliates remain a threat to U.S. interests within the country and abroad, and the significance of Obama's presidency raises the potential threat from hate groups.
© 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
FBI Warns of Inauguration Terror Threat
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 9:33 PM
WASHINGTON – The upcoming inauguration of Barack Obama is an attractive target for international and domestic terrorists, but U.S. intelligence officials have no information about specific threats to the Jan. 20 event.
An internal intelligence assessment, obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, says the high visibility of the event, the presence of dignitaries and the significance of swearing in the country's first black president make the inauguration vulnerable to attacks.
What concerns analysts most, the report says, is the potential use of improvised explosive devices, a hostage situation or suicide bombers.
While security will be tight around the U.S. Capitol, the joint FBI and Homeland Security assessment says nearby hotels, public gatherings, restaurants and roads could be vulnerable to some kind of attack.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said security concerns during inaugurations have been elevated since the 2001 terror attacks. "I think it will be the most security, as far as I'm aware, that any inauguration has had," Chertoff said in an interview with the AP.
Chertoff also said there is no specific intelligence pointing to terrorist plots during the event.
"We have scrubbed very hard to look at anything that would suggest a credible, imminent threat or one that was specifically focused on the inauguration," Chertoff said, though not referring to the intelligence assessment. "We're not, at this point, aware of a credible, specific, imminent threat that would affect the inauguration."
The Secret Service, which is in charge of the overall security for the event, announced Wednesday that bridges into Washington and about 3.5 square miles of the downtown will be closed on Jan. 20. The security perimeter covers more of the city than previous inaugurations.
The analysis says that threats against Obama have increased since he was elected, which also poses concern for the inauguration.
According to the intelligence assessment, a so-called lone wolf poses the greatest threat during the inauguration because such criminals are generally not affiliated with any specific group or act without the direction of a group. There have been some lone wolf threats reported, but nothing points to a well-planned plot, the assessment said.
Officials are concerned about explosives placed in crowded areas and people impersonating emergency and law enforcement officials, but they have no specific information that indicates terrorists are planning to do this, the assessment said.
While intelligence officials have seen no credible threats to the event from international terrorists or domestic terrorists, al-Qaida and its affiliates remain a threat to U.S. interests within the country and abroad, and the significance of Obama's presidency raises the potential threat from hate groups.
© 2009 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
OBAMA says Recession could linger... Ya think?
Obama Issues Dire Warning on Economy
posted: 41 MINUTES AGO
comments: 1450
filed under: National News, Political News, The Obama Presidency
WASHINGTON (Jan. 8) - President-elect Barack Obama said Thursday the recession could "linger for years" unless Congress pumps unprecedented sums from Washington into the economy.
"I don't believe it's too late to change course, but it will be if we don't take dramatic action as soon as possible," Obama said in a speech set to be delivered at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., outside Washington. Excerpts from his prepared text were released in advance by his transition team.
Obama Issues Dire Warning on Economy
posted: 41 MINUTES AGO
comments: 1450
filed under: National News, Political News, The Obama Presidency
WASHINGTON (Jan. 8) - President-elect Barack Obama said Thursday the recession could "linger for years" unless Congress pumps unprecedented sums from Washington into the economy.
"I don't believe it's too late to change course, but it will be if we don't take dramatic action as soon as possible," Obama said in a speech set to be delivered at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., outside Washington. Excerpts from his prepared text were released in advance by his transition team.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Will the Scandal have any effect?? I think probably not.
Why? Because Obama is a Democrat and they get away with their scandalous behaviors.
Blagojevich Scandal Likely To Mar Obama's First Days
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:26 PM
CHICAGO – The scandal surrounding the senate seat of president-elect Barack Obama looked set to shadow his first months in office after prosecutors Wednesday asked for more time to bring charges against the governor accused of trying to sell the coveted post.
The motion came a day after Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich defied Democratic party leaders by appointing a respected African American statesman to the vacated seat.
Senate Democrats have vowed to block the appointment, saying former Illinois attorney general Roland Burris would "serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety," but it is unclear if they have the legal right to do so.
A lengthy legal battle would be an unwelcome distraction from the task of passing a much-needed economic stimulus package and may also be politically unappetizing given there are currently no black senators.
Illinois congressman and civil rights leader Bobby Rush used racially tinged language in urging Senate Democrats to reconsider Tuesday, saying they should "not hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer."
But while Obama joined senate leaders in calling again for the Democratic governor to step aside and allow a successor untainted by scandal make the appointment, Blagojevich continued to loudly proclaim his innocence.
Blagojevich's lawyer has aggressively fought an inquiry by state lawmakers into whether there are sufficient grounds for removing the governor through impeachment and it could be weeks or months until state lawmakers reach a final decision.
That could also leave the senate seat in limbo, weakening the Democratic majority as Obama prepares to fight for an aggressive legislative agenda after taking office on January 20.
While Obama is not accused of any wrongdoing and said an internal review found his team had no "inappropriate" contacts with the governor's office, his incoming chief of staff has come under fire for discussing the seat with Blagojevich.
More details could be revealed as early as next week if a judge allows prosecutors to release transcripts of FBI wiretaps to the impeachment inquiry in which Blagojevich allegedly discusses how he can profit from the senate appointment.
Partial transcripts released in the 76-page criminal complaint showed that Obama's staff were offering nothing more than "appreciation" to Blagojevich -- much to the foul-mouthed frustration of the governor, who wanted a cabinet post at the very least.
US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald indicated in the motion filed Wednesday that more people could eventually be charged in the case, which accuses Blagojevich and his chief of staff of engaging in a years-long pattern of "pay-to-play" politics in which he traded state contracts for campaign contributions.
That could return the case to national headlines and reveal more unappetizing details about the state of politics in Obama's home state.
Fitzgerald asked a federal judge to give him until April 7 to seek an indictment from a grand jury so his team would have time to pour through thousands of intercepted conversations and interview witnesses who have come forward in the wake of Blagojevich's December 9 arrest.
Blagojevich, who has said he "can't wait" to clear his name in court, did not object to the prosecutor's request for a delay, according to the motion filed Wednesday.
Should a grand jury determine that there is sufficient evidence to support the fraud and bribery charges it will likely be months or possibly years before the case goes to trial.
However, the indictment will likely contain fresh allegations and more details could trickle out in pre-trial motions and arguments that will likely be closely watched.
Blagojevich Scandal Likely To Mar Obama's First Days
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:26 PM
CHICAGO – The scandal surrounding the senate seat of president-elect Barack Obama looked set to shadow his first months in office after prosecutors Wednesday asked for more time to bring charges against the governor accused of trying to sell the coveted post.
The motion came a day after Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich defied Democratic party leaders by appointing a respected African American statesman to the vacated seat.
Senate Democrats have vowed to block the appointment, saying former Illinois attorney general Roland Burris would "serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety," but it is unclear if they have the legal right to do so.
A lengthy legal battle would be an unwelcome distraction from the task of passing a much-needed economic stimulus package and may also be politically unappetizing given there are currently no black senators.
Illinois congressman and civil rights leader Bobby Rush used racially tinged language in urging Senate Democrats to reconsider Tuesday, saying they should "not hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer."
But while Obama joined senate leaders in calling again for the Democratic governor to step aside and allow a successor untainted by scandal make the appointment, Blagojevich continued to loudly proclaim his innocence.
Blagojevich's lawyer has aggressively fought an inquiry by state lawmakers into whether there are sufficient grounds for removing the governor through impeachment and it could be weeks or months until state lawmakers reach a final decision.
That could also leave the senate seat in limbo, weakening the Democratic majority as Obama prepares to fight for an aggressive legislative agenda after taking office on January 20.
While Obama is not accused of any wrongdoing and said an internal review found his team had no "inappropriate" contacts with the governor's office, his incoming chief of staff has come under fire for discussing the seat with Blagojevich.
More details could be revealed as early as next week if a judge allows prosecutors to release transcripts of FBI wiretaps to the impeachment inquiry in which Blagojevich allegedly discusses how he can profit from the senate appointment.
Partial transcripts released in the 76-page criminal complaint showed that Obama's staff were offering nothing more than "appreciation" to Blagojevich -- much to the foul-mouthed frustration of the governor, who wanted a cabinet post at the very least.
US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald indicated in the motion filed Wednesday that more people could eventually be charged in the case, which accuses Blagojevich and his chief of staff of engaging in a years-long pattern of "pay-to-play" politics in which he traded state contracts for campaign contributions.
That could return the case to national headlines and reveal more unappetizing details about the state of politics in Obama's home state.
Fitzgerald asked a federal judge to give him until April 7 to seek an indictment from a grand jury so his team would have time to pour through thousands of intercepted conversations and interview witnesses who have come forward in the wake of Blagojevich's December 9 arrest.
Blagojevich, who has said he "can't wait" to clear his name in court, did not object to the prosecutor's request for a delay, according to the motion filed Wednesday.
Should a grand jury determine that there is sufficient evidence to support the fraud and bribery charges it will likely be months or possibly years before the case goes to trial.
However, the indictment will likely contain fresh allegations and more details could trickle out in pre-trial motions and arguments that will likely be closely watched.
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